Jumat, 06 Oktober 2017

Benefits of Shave Pubic Hair for Health

For most women consider the the pubic shear is important to do. But there also are feeling lazy shave bristles around the genital area. So, how important is it for pubic Shaved fur? Andrology expert Prof. Dr. Dr. Wypoczynkowe Moeloek, Sp And admit not pubic fur forever should be shaved. "If you want to stay razor Shaver Yes, if not also does nothing. An important try to stay clean, "said Prof Wypoczynkowe.

In addition to the hygiene factors, because many men who claim to love the woman's genitals without fur because it looks sexier. Is it so? "It was hell depending on each person's perception. Some like it like that some are not contesting it, "said Prof Wypoczynkowe. According to Professor of Andrology and biology of medicine University of Indonesia that, generally, the hair growth stops after 2 months. So an already long pubic hair will not grow in length continue though not shaved.

But that's not shaved pubic hair is indeed risky as the site of the development of the bacteria if not cleaned properly. But if cleaned properly, the bacteria will not flourish there. "Just like hair, although the length of the net, but if ya dont problem." he said. A razor is a very popular weapon of choice for removing pubic hair. For most people, this treatment technique is a good solution instead of cutting techniques. What to look for, trim the pubic hair with a razor should do after membasahinya with warm water.

Read Also: Benefits Of Soursop Leaf To Uric Acid/ Gout

Benefits of Shave Pubic Hair for Health
Image From: i.ytimg.com

Benefits of Shave pubic hair

"Before the shaved, don't forget the moistened and given SOAP used to be so slick and easy to shave," said Prof Wypoczynkowe. In addition to the technique of shaving with a razor, other techniques that can be used is the technique of electrolysis, laser, waxing (wax) or use hair removal medication.

Electrolysis techniques can remove bulu pubic permanently in just one-time treatment, but the price is quite expensive. While waxing technique is not very advisable because of the pain in the pubic tool which is indeed very sensitive. Want shaved or not, it is certain the pubic hair should be kept clean. "What is clear, is all there is in man it is the gift of God, so it should always be kept," said Prof Wypoczynkowe.

The function of genital hair are:

1. Provide warmth
2. visual Indications of sexual maturity
3. collection of pheromone dispensing
4. Reduce friction outside the time sexual intercourse
5. Protective area that is covered with pubic hair, because the area is sensitive

Prof. Yohanes Surya, Phd

One of the functions of the hair in the armpits or around the pubic tool is to reduce friction. These hairs facilitate the movement or the movement of the hands while performing sexual intercourse.
Around the hair or feathers that apocrine glands, there are many that served the pheromone, issuing it smells can attract the opposite sex. Lately the pheromone has become quite an interesting research material and has been made into a kind of perfume to attract the opposite sex despite the potency has not been fully recognized.

Read Also:  Negatives of Alcohol and Benefits of Not Drinking Alcohol

Benefits of Shave Pubic Hair for Girl
Image From:cdn.shopify.com

Dr. (Naturopathy) Ir. Donny Hosea MBA. PhD

If you notice your body, then for every place yg Gristle and need to be protected then will grow hair/fur available. For example, the head, need to be safeguarded, tdk banged, breaking, and very prone to in ubun2, where the thickest hair grows there in infancy.

Eyes, hair, above, there is no eyelashes so that dust, liquids, or foreign matter easy stopover within the eye. When not using suits, more than likely, the whole body is covered with bristles more rare, and usually prone to dense fur more overgrown and covered the place. DG human growth, changes in the times and human evolution, then the remaining yg yg menjga most important part 2 the dg-prone persons.

The actual amount of feathers, the growth of which, and the form of fur is a finger print or characteristic of different human beings talk to one another, it's just fingerprints, it is quite visible reply, without alluding to the porn, and immediately get taken picture only sg with ink, on the other faktor2 such as the multiplicity of  feathers, feather locations, can also indicate the org data.

Fur is such a useful addition to mentioned above, also the identification of sex has its own; for example, you and your wife/husband you know you and be interested in sexual or sexually aroused, because the image of the fur you wrote for example there is only on certain areas, certain forms and the numbers too.

Rabu, 22 Maret 2017

Negatives of Alcohol and Benefits of Not Drinking Alcohol

benefits of Not drinking alcohol after
Image From: medicalnewstoday.com

The benefits of Not drinking alcohol after age 25 years-when it was past the age of 25 years, do not have to think long, you have to stop drinking alcohol.

Because, there are benefits if you do not drink alcohol after the age of 25 years.

Drinking alcohol is often used as a way to enjoy social life, especially when the party. However, there are a number of reasons to reduce drinking alcohol until it finally ceased altogether after the age of 25 years.

Read Also: Benefits Of Soursop Leaf To Uric Acid/ Gout

Disadvantages of Alcohol

The following benefits of not drinking alcohol after age 25 years reported by the Boldsky from the page:

Avoid hangover

Alcohol and Cancer Risk Fact, because metabolism slows down after the age of 25, the body will not be able to process and synthesize the alcohol well. This will cause the symptoms of hangover horrors. So, when you do not drink alcohol, its benefits are spared from the hangover.

Preventing depression

Negatives of alcohol, a study claims that after the age of 25 years, people who drink alcohol regularly are more susceptible to depression. This is because drinking alcohol can cause hormonal imbalance. Therefore, one of the benefits of not drinking alcohol is to prevent depression.

Image From: gettingpregnantessential.com

Reduce risk of infertility

Women who plan to become pregnant, especially after the age of 25 years, should reduce drinking alcohol. Because, drinking alcohol regularly after the age of 25 can harm the process of ovulation, thus causing infertility. So, when it stops drinking alcohol, it will reduce the risk of infertility.

Prevent cardiovascular disease

Extremely importnant reduces alcohol consumption after the age of 25 years. This can prevent dangerous diseases such as cardiovascular problems, including strokes and heart attacks.

Keep your weight gain after the age of 25 years, your metabolic rate will decrease drastically. So, your body may not be able to burn the calories gained from drinking alcohol in an effective manner. So, when not drinking alcohol, weight more awake.benefits of alcohol for health

Sabtu, 28 Januari 2017

Benefits Of Soursop Leaf To Uric Acid/ Gout

Benefits Of Soursop Leaf To Uric Acid/ Gout
Image From: elgs.org.uk

One of the benefits of soursop leaves as it turns out we can use to cope with gout. Soursop leaf has the advantage of relatively safer to use because it is a natural ingredient.

As quoted from wikipedia, disease gout is a disease caused by excessive consumption of substances purin. Purin processed body into uric acid, but if the levels of uric acid excess, kidneys are not capable of removing so that crystals of uric acid builds up in the joints. As a result of the joint feels painful, swollen and inflamed.

Benefits Of Soursop Leaf To Uric Acid/ Gout

Actually not only soursop leaves that we can make the most of, almost all parts of the plant soursop we can take its benefits ranging from fruit, leaf and tree. From a study revealed the fact that the soursop leaf extract can we use to cope with gout.

Abstinence sufferers of gout
Image From: thearthritiscenter.com

Abstinence sufferers of gout

  • Offal: tripe, spleen, kidney, colon, liver, lung and brain
  • Seafood: shrimp, squid, cuttlefish, clams, mussels, oysters, crab, anchovies, sardines
  • Meat extracts such as mince and jerky
  • Food that's been pressure canned (example: corned beef, sardines)
  • Mutton, beef, horse meat
  • Ducks, geese and turkeys
  • Nuts: soya beans (including processed such as tempe, douchi, fermented beans, soy milk), peanuts, green beans, bean sprouts, gnetum gnemon, chips
  • Vegetables: cauliflower, spinach, asparagus, string beans, ear fungus, cassava leaves, papaya leaves, Ipomoea aquatica
  • Cheese, eggs, cream, ice cream, broth or gravy is thick
  • Certain fruits such as durian, pineapples and coconut water
  • Fried foods or cooked using margarine/butter
  • Foods rich in protein and fat

Symptoms Of Gout

  • The joint feels pain, dull pain, rheumatic pain, tingling and even to swell and reddish colored (inflamed)
  • Usually the joint feels painful when the morning (waking up) or night.
  • Feels pain in joints occur over and over again.
  • Who was attacked is usually the joints of the toes, fingers, 2.4, heels, elbows and wrists.
  • On the incidence of severe cases, joints feels very ill at the moment will move.
In addition to treating gout
Image From: biologiquement.com

How To Treat Gout

To treat gout, you can make potions made from soursop leaves. Here's how:
  • Take the soursop leaves 6-10 pieces and then clean using running water.
  • Cut the soursop leaf into several parts so that the sari-sari contained therein can be mixed with water to the maximum.
  • After that take two glasses of water and boiled with soursop leaves that have been cleaned.
  • Wait until the remaining water, one glass and then drink it regularly twice a day, at morning and night.

In addition to treating gout, apparently the soursop leaves is also being examined by experts to the disease of diabetes. It is of course be good news and hopefully can soon be tried as a nutritious natural ingredients. Good luck!